BY-NanoERA Institutional Development of Applied Nanoelectromagnetics: Belarus in ERA Widening
Duration in months: 36
Call (part) identifier: FP7-INCO-2010-6
Activity code(s) most relevant to your topic: INCO.2010-6.1: Eastern Europe and South Caucasus: Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan
Free keywords: nanoelectromagnetics, nanocarbon, intergration in European research area, international cooperation, networking, competence building
The project aims at reinforcing RTD and cooperation capacities of the Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University in the area of applied nanoelectromagnetics. This new research discipline comprising the classical electrodynamics of microwaves and present-day concepts of condensed matter physics is covered by the FP7 Theme 4 'Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies – NMP'. INP BSU is the founder and leading research center in Belarus in this area. Within the project a set of complementary networking and training activities is foreseen with a strong involvement of already existing and new partners from EU member states and associated countries. Besides, based on research results and their applications in material sciences and medicine, and also taking in consideration the emerging socio-economic needs in Belarus and EU, a strategy of the INP BSU further development will be proposed. All together, the activities will support national RTD in applied nanoelectromagnetics, contribute to young researchers’ career development, intensify information and experience exchange between Belarus and EU teams thus contributing to creation of the European research network in applied nanoelectromagnetics, as far as increase visibility of INP BSU in the European Research Area and its participation in the FP7. Also, the strategy developed for INP BSU will be proposed and disseminated as a model for the integration of the other Belarus teams into European Research Area.
1. Institute of Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University - INP BSU (Coordinator)
Country: Belarus
Project coordinator: Prof. S.A. Maksimenko
2. Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Berlin - TUB
Country: Germany
Team leader: Prof. Axel Hoffmann
3. Central Laboratory of Physico-Chemical Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - CLPCM-BAS
Country: Bulgaria
Team leader: Prof. Rumiana Kotsilkova
4. Frascati National Laboratory, National Institute of Nuclear Physics - INFN
Country: Italy
Team leader: Dr. Stefano Bellucci
5. Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser - FORTH
Country: Greece
Team leader: Dr. Maria Kafesaki
6. Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical Sphere - BelISA
Country: Belarus
Team leader: Ms. Olga Meerovskaya
7. Scientific and Technological Park «Polytechnic» at Belarusian National Technical University - METOLIT
Country: Belarus
Team leader: Dr. Lyudmila Shmygova, Ekaterina Koroleva
Current and nearest activities
A special sesstion "BY-NanoERA—Institutional Development of Applied Nanoelectromagnetics" and project meeting took place on September 20, 2011 during the International workshop "Nanoscience and Nanotechnology N&N11", INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, September 19 - 23, 2011,
A Special Session "Electrodynamics of nanowires and nanotubes" headed by Dr G. Slepyan (INP) has been organized as a part of BY-NANOERA activity at the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications & IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications, September 12-17, 2011 Torino, Italy, ganized with the emphasis on Nanoelectromagnetics.
BY-NANOERA leaders S.A. Maksimenko (INP) and S. Bellucci (INFN) are key speakers at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop NATO ARW CRB.NUKR.ARW 984333, Nanodevices and Nanomaterials for Ecological Security. Riga – Yurmala - Latvia, June 20-23, 2011.
BY-NANOERA FP7 Trainings. Training Course 1 HOW TO GET IN? General introduction to FP7 and basic soft skills needed to express your interest. May 19-20, Minsk (BelISA and Polytechnic are organizers).
International conference on Physics, Chemistry and Applications of Nanostructures "Nanomeeting 2011", May 24-29, 2011, Special session on Nanoelectromagnetics has been organized under a support from BY-NANOERA. The support is acknowledged in the Conference Program and in the Conference Proceedings (World Scientific, 2011).
On the national level, we enter the State R&D Programme "Convergation" under Project Development and implementation, on the base of new research discipline "Applied nanoelectromagnetics", of national interdisciplinary platform on modeling, study and application of electromagnetic properties and processes in nanostructured objects and systems. The project is initiated by the BY-NanoERA.
Project kick-off meeting. January 17, 2011, Technische Universitat Berlin, Berlin. All partners (except Bulgarian) and EC officer have been presented.
The Second International Workshop on Nanocarbon Photonics and Optoelectronics, Koli/North Karelia/Finland 1-6 August 2010, S.A. Maksimenko, Presentation of new EU projects FP7-247007 CACOMEL and FP7-266529 BY-NanoERA, Program.