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Institutional research of nanoelectromagnetics

Tutorial "Emerging Nanoscientific Developments"

A special  tutorial "Emerging Nanoscientific Developments" will be presented by  key lecturers, and corresponding certificate will be given to MS and PhD students attended.

Institut für Festkörperphusik, TU Berlin, Germany
Towards Single Photon Sources at Room Temperatures for Quantum Cryptography Application

Laboratory of Nano-optics, Stepanov Institute of Physics, Russia
Enhanced light-matter interaction in plasmonic nanostuctures

Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA
Surface Multiplasmonics

University of Namur, Belgium
Elasticity at the nanoscopic scale

International Technological Center, USA
Nanodiamond and Carbon Onion Composites: Optical and Electronic Applications

Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarus State University, Belarus
Concept of photonic density of states in nanoelectromagnetics: theory and applications

Institut für Festkörperphusik, TU Berlin, Germany
Plasmonic effects in semiconductor  nanostructures

University Of Oulu, Finland
Local subcellular thermal effects at interaction of laser beams with plasmonic nanoparticles

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuania
Solid state based room temperature terahertz imaging systems


Institute of Physical Chemical Problems, Belarusian State University, Belarus

Siberian Federal University & Institute of Biophisycs SB RAS, Russia

Physikalische Chemie Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA

Applied Chemistry and Nanoscience, India

Università degli Studi di Cassino, Italy

School of Physics University of Exeter, United Kingdom

Science Institute, University of Iceland, Iceland

VPI Development Center, Belarus High Tech Park, Belarus